Dihedral symmetry in three dimensions

This article deals with three infinite sequences of point groups in three dimensions which have a symmetry group that as abstract group is a dihedral group Dihn ( n ≥ 2 ).

See also point groups in two dimensions.



For a given n, all three have n-fold rotational symmetry about one axis (rotation by an angle of 360°/n does not change the object), and 2-fold about a perpendicular axis, hence about n of those. For n = ∞ they correspond to three frieze groups. Schönflies notation is used, and, in parentheses, Orbifold notation. The term horizontal (h) is used with respect to a vertical axis of rotation.

In 2D the symmetry group Dn includes reflections in lines. When the 2D plane is embedded horizontally in a 3D space, such a reflection can either be viewed as the restriction to that plane of a reflection in a vertical plane, or as the restriction to the plane of a rotation about the reflection line, by 180°. In 3D the two operations are distinguished: the group Dn contains rotations only, not reflections. The other group is pyramidal symmetry Cnv of the same order.

With reflection symmetry with respect to a plane perpendicular to the n-fold rotation axis we have Dnh (*22n).

Dnd (or Dnv) has vertical mirror planes between the horizontal rotation axes, not through them. As a result the vertical axis is a 2n-fold rotoreflection axis.

Dnh is the symmetry group for a regular n-sided prisms and also for a regular n-sided bipyramid. Dnd is the symmetry group for a regular n-sided antiprism, and also for a regular n-sided trapezohedron. Dn is the symmetry group of a partially rotated prism.

n = 1 is not included because the three symmetries are equal to other ones:

For n = 2 there is not one main axes and two additional axes, but there are three equivalent ones.


For Dnh

For Dnd

Dnd is also subgroup of D2nh.

See also cyclic symmetries


Dnh (*22n):


D5h (*225):

Pentagrammic prism

Pentagrammic antiprism

D4d (2*4):

Snub square antiprism

D5d (2*5):

Pentagonal antiprism

Pentagrammic crossed-antiprism

pentagonal trapezohedron

D17d (*22(17)):

Heptadecagonal antiprism

See also